Thank you for visiting our blog! Check back regularly to find news, facts, and other posts related to family law, and don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your case. Do you need help with Probate or Estate Law? At the law firm of Lopez & Wilmert located in La Mesa (with a satellite office in Chula Vista), we have the knowledge and experience needed to help you with whatever your probate and estate law needs are.

Why choose Lopez & Wilmert, LLP over other probate and estate law firms?

At Lopez & Wilmert, LLP, we strive to offer a different approach to estate law. When we first opened in 2011, we did so with a very simple mission statement: commitment to change. We intend to change the way law firms and clients interact in order to promote honest and respectful practices. For example, our estate and probate lawyers won’t hide any costs from you or keep you in the dark when it comes to our fees until your case’s resolution. Instead, we charge a one-time, flat rate fee and focus on building a relationship with our clients throughout the legal process rather than how much we can charge them.

To experience the difference for yourself, schedule a free initial consultation with one of our lawyers. You can give us a call or quickly contact us via our online form.